About Us




|अस्माकम् ब्रह्माण्डम्‌|

Our universe is a sacred space.

We will nourish and nurture it together.

May it evolve, grow and expand.


|एक कोशिश |प्रयत्नः|

 The Journey continues…

| 'Prayatna' in Samskrit means 'Koshish' |

Upcoming Prayatnas:

  • Daily Puran Swadhyay - Main Purans & UpaPurans

    |नित्य-पुराण-स्वाध्यायः - -अष्टादशमुख्यपुराणानि उपपुराणानि च|

  • Daily Shri Shiv MahaPuran recordings.

  • Daily Main Purans & UpaPurans recordings.

  • More details 👉 Ek Koshish.

  • श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता

    Shri Bhagvad Gita Chanting in Samskrit

  • We have completed 7 rounds of chanting from August’21-February’22

    *Next Reading:

  • Monthly Akhand Paath resumes on 14th August, 2022 to celebrate Shri Krishna Janamashtami

    Dhyaanam, Mahatmya, 18 Adhyays, 20 Sewadaars, 20 spots available.

  • More details & previous recordings 👉 Ek Koshish.


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| ॐ नम: शिवाय शिवजी सदा सहाय |

| ॐ नम: शिवाय गुरुजी सदा सहाय |